The money talk, that is. Despite financial considerations long being established as a key cause of marital discord, far too many fail to have this important premarital conversation. Noted financial…
You may have heard that there is little need to continue paying for life insurance once you retire. After all, they say, the reasons you had a policy—kids’ expenses, a…
Often lost in the variety of widely discussed options for when to best start Social Security payments (As early as 62? As late as 70?) is a key issue: none…
May the peace and joy that Christmas brings….. always be with you and your family.
It can be tragic. A concerned father, mother or grandparent had the foresight, wisdom and love to plan for one of the most dreaded financial possibilities—dying too soon—through the purchase…
Since the invention of the automobile, young people have eagerly awaited the day they could drive. But a recent report suggests that parents may not be setting an appropriate example…
At a cost of $1 plus a few extra cents per minute, where could a motorized scooter take you? This transportation option is growing in popularity, with the most popular…
As the holidays approach, friends and family will shower each other with gifts, ranging from inexpensive trinkets to high-priced collectibles and everything in between. Make sure your personal insurance policy…
Wait until you’re back to share your trip on social media. Millions of Americans will hit the road for the holidays, leaving homes empty for days or weeks at a…
40 years ago the average person had 17 minutes to escape from their homes in an event of a fire. Due to the higher use of synthetic materials, our homes…